Kitchens To Go – Built by Carlin

131 W. Jefferson Avenue, Suite 223
Naperville, IL

Prior to establishing Kitchens To Go, Steve Rubin acted as the CEO of Culinary Enterprises, a leading Midwestern off-premise catering and special events organization.  Culinary Enterprises, is a company consisting of six catering divisions each having a distinct style and market.

Because of the off-site nature of catering, Culinary Enterprises owned a mobile kitchen which was designed and built by Carlin Manufacturing.  This unit, which was used for large special events, was occasionally lent or leased to caterers requiring large on-site cooking capacity. Since many needs for mobile kitchens were of a temporary nature, and purchasing was not a desirable short-term option, Mr. Rubin became increasing aware of a market segment that was not being satisfied.

Mobile kitchens were needed for a wide variety of commercial, military and institutional applications.  Mr. Rubin began to explore the possibility of purchasing mobile commercial kitchens to offer for long and short term leasing opportunities to this eclectic marketplace. Initial growth was rapid as these mobile kitchens became in demand.

In 2001, as Kitchens to Go evolved and grew, Fred Stowell came on board as a partner, adding engineering and legal expertise to the this growing company. Mr. Stowell also brought a strong manufacturing background to KTG.

A continuing relationship with Ralph Goldbeck, owner of Carlin Manufacturing, naturally evolved between the two companies.  In 2004, based on the obvious synergy and advantage to their clients, a formalized business partnership was formed.

Being a licensed architect, Mr. Goldbeck brought 20 years of experience in design and manufacturing to the partnership

As this unique partnership became known in the mobile kitchen marketplace, Carlin Manufacturing and Kitchens To Go flourished.

It quickly became evident that there was a very strong, and yet untapped market that required a complete temporary facilities package.  The Modular Concept was born out of client needs.  Being among the first to implement the modular concept, these unique, building and health code compliant facilities brought the modular concept to a higher professional level.

Today, Kitchens To Go and Carlin Manufacturing have a client list that includes major corporations, disaster relief agencies, hospitals, universities, hotels, governmental agencies and sports venues from coast to coast and throughout the world.