The total eclipse on April 8th is an exciting astronomical event, one that will not occur in North America again for another 20 years. Naperville is not in the line of 100% “Totality,” but will still offer an excellent viewing experience. However, it is important to do so safely in order to prevent permanent damage to your eyes.
The ONLY way to safely view the eclipse directly is with the use of a special sun protection known as “eclipse glasses” or “solar viewers.” These devices contain special filters that are thousands of times darker than regular sunglasses.
Make sure your eclipse glasses are provided by a reputable source. They should be labeled that they are in compliance with ISO 12312-2 standards. Also, make sure to inspect them before each use. If the filter is torn, scratched, or damaged in any way, it may not provide the protection you need and should be thrown away.
Even with the use of eclipse glasses, it is unsafe to use other optical devices like binoculars, camera lenses, and telescopes. Those devices will concentrate the solar rays and burn through the filters, causing serious injury.
Some of the most memorable experiences you can have with the eclipse may involve indirect viewing, which do not require the use of special glasses at all. Holding an ordinary household colander a couple of feet above the ground will project hundreds of crescent-shaped spots of light on the ground as the eclipse progresses. There are many other ways to create this “pinhole” effect, so get creative!
Bottom line, this event won’t happen again for a long time. Enjoy it, share it with loved ones, and be safe.
-Dr. Black, OD
Couture Vision
232 S. Washington, Downtown Naperville
(630) 369-EYES (3937)